Conway Pre-Town Meeting Dessert Potluck and Discussion
All Conway residents are invited to come to a pre-Town Meeting dessert potluck and discussion on the Monday before Town Meeting from 7 – 8:30PM at the Conway Grammar School. Please bring a dessert to share that can be served on a napkin, serving utensils (if needed), and your own reusable cup/mug/spoon. Beverages will be provided. Residents with information about warrant articles are encouraged to bring handouts.
Like past Pre-Town Meeting gatherings, the evening is an opportunity for discussion that is informal, nonpartisan, and without the time pressure often felt at Town Meeting. Residents are encouraged to come with questions about Town Meeting warrant articles, procedures, and definitions. There will be an opportunity to meet candidates for town office. The intent of the meeting is to help people be well-informed voters and to have some time to think about what is being proposed, as a supplement to the democratic process of Town Meeting. Mary McClintock said, “These gatherings really help me have a better understanding of what we need to decide at Town Meeting. And the desserts are really yummy!” For information: contact Ruth Parnall at, 489-3097, or Jim Recore at, 768-9939.|